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Academic School Scholarships

Academic School Scholarships

School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

  • Socol Award – Through contributions from the Ocean County College Faculty, $500 is awarded to an outstanding student in Mathematics. This award is in memory of Dr. Albert Socol who was a Full-Time Math Faculty from 1966 until his death in 1984.

School of Arts and Humanities

  • Catherine DonDiego Memorial – $2,000 awarded to a freshman student at 365球赛平台 with at least a 3.5 GPA who was planning to major in the Humanities.
  • Charles J. Abeles Memorial – $100 awarded to a student demonstrating outstanding aptitude in languages, literature or Philosophy.
  • Judith A. Laurie Memorial – $200 awarded to a student demonstrating excellence in the pursuit of the Spanish language.
  • Ocean County Cultural and Heritage Art – $500 awarded to an outstanding student int he field of Art.
  • Pauline S. Miller – $500 awarded by the Ocean County Cultural and Heritage Society to an outstanding student in the field of History.
  • Sheldon Linz Memorial Award – $250 awarded to an outstanding Photography/Visual Arts major.
  • John Morrison Memorial Scholarship Award – $250 awarded to a graduating student transferring to a four year institution who has been an active participant of the Speech and Theatre Club and/or participated in 365球赛平台’s Performing Arts programs.
  • Laverne Weigold Memorial Award – $250 awarded to outstanding students demonstrating scholarship abilities and an interest in some area of the Humanities.
  • The Charles Read Memorial Music Scholarship – $100 awarded to a graduating student transferring to a four year institution with at least a 3.0 GPA majoring in music.
  • Frank Richetti Sr. Memorial Scholarship – $500 awarded to a graduating student transferring to a four year institution with a preference in music education or a performance major with at least a 3.5 GPA.

School of Business and Social Sciences

Supplementing scholarship programs available to the general student body, additional scholarships exist for students studying within particular disciplines.

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Criminal Justice
  • Fire Science
  • Legal Assistant
  • Political Science
  • Real Estate

Please note:  Awards are subject to change.

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